Our Polaris racks are 2 inches tall and come with three crossbars. The crossbars can be placed in different locations to customize each rack. Extra crossbars can be purchased for $5 each. The rack mounts in the T-slot grooves on the back of the tunnel, with no drilling required. The racks are 15 ½ inches wide and come in three sizes:

Polaris racks now have two levels of crossbars, to keep things from contacting the tunnel.
These racks add strength to the back of your tunnel.
The kits come with stainless steel hardware.
*The 163 rack comes with four crossbars. Prices do not include shipping.
Polaris 144 tunnel rack 20 inches long comes with 3 crossbars $100 each
Polaris 155 tunnel rack 24 inches long comes with 3 crossbars $110
Polaris 163 tunnel rack 29 inches long comes with 4 crossbars $120
Extra Polaris crossbars can be added to customize the rack. Crossbars can be added to lower holes to keep items off the tunnel. $6 each
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